Fiber content of food, chickpeas

What is Fiber? 

Fiber is a term used to describe carbohydrates from plant foods (such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and legumes) that the body cannot digest and use for energy. Fiber plays an important role in gastrointestinal health. As part of your nutrition care plan, your dietitian may recommend that you modify your fiber intake.  Work with your dietitian to determine what your specific fiber needs are, then use the tables below to help you reach your goals.

Fiber Content of Foods: Organized from High to Low total fiber 

(Unless otherwise noted, fruit is raw, other foods are cooked. Fiber content is rounded to the nearest .5 g per serving) 

High Fiber (4 g or more per serving) 

Food Serving Amount (g) fiber per serving 
Beans, baked, plain½ c 5 g 
Beans- black, kidney, lima or white ½ c 7 g 
Beans, pinto½ c 8 g 
Beans, navy ½ c 10 g 
Blackberries ½ c 4 g
Bulgur ½ c 4 g 
Cereal- high fiber, bran½ c ~4-9 g (varies by brand) 
Chia seeds 1 Tbsp 5 g 
Chickpeas ½ c 5 g 
Lentils ½ c 8 g
Pear 1 medium5 g 
Peas, green, frozen½ c 4 g 
Peas, split ½ c 8 g
Potato, baked w/ skin1 medium 4 g
Potato, sweet, baken w/ skin 1 medium5 g
Quinoa½ c 5 g 
Raspberries ½ c 4 g
Soybeans ½ c 5 g 
Turnips 1 medium2 g

Moderate Fiber (1-3 g per serving) 

Food Serving Amount (g) fiber per serving 
Apple (with peel)1 medium3.5 g 
Applesauce ½ c 1.5 g 
Apricots, fresh 21.5 g 
Apricots, canned½ c  2 g 
Apricots, dried 10 halves 2.5 g 
Avocado¼ of an avocado 2.5 g 
Banana1 medium3 g 
Barley ½ c 3 g 
Beans, green½ c 2 g 
Beets ½ c 1.5 g 
Blueberries ½ c 2 g 
Bread- whole wheat, pumpernickel or rye 1 slice ~2 g (varies by brand) 
Broccoli½ c 2.5 g 
Brussel sprouts ½ c 2 g 
Cabbage ½ c 1.5 g 
Carrots ½ c 2 g 
Cauliflower ½ c 2.5 g 
Cereal, wheat or oat ½ c 2-4 g (varies by brand) 
Cherries, canned or fresh 10 1.5 g 
Corn, canned, fresh or frozen½ c 2 g 
Dates, dried 53.5 g 
Eggplant ½ c 1.5 g 
Figs, fresh 2 g 
Flaxseed, ground 1 Tbsp2 g 
Grapefruit ½ fruit1.5 g 
Greens- turnip, collard or beet ½ c 1.5-3 g 
Kale, cooked ½ c 1.5 g 
Kiwi1 fruit 2 g 
Melon1 cup1.5 g 
Nuts- almonds, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts or pecans 1 oz 2-3.5 g 
Oatmeal or oat bran½ c 2 g 
Okra ½ c 2 g 
Orange 1 medium 2 g 
Papaya ½ fruit 3 g 
Pasta, whole wheat ½ c 3 g 
Peaches, fresh or canned 1 fruit or ½ c 1.5 g 
Pear, canned ½ c 2 g 
Peas, green, canned ½ c 3.5 g 
Pineapple½ c 1 g 
Plum1 fruit 1 g 
Popcorn2 c 2.5 g 
Prune juice ½ c 1.5 g 
Prunes3.5 g 
Pumpkin, canned ½ c 3.5 g 
Raisins¼ c 1.5 g 
Rice, brown or wild ½ c 2 g 
Sauerkraut, canned½ c 3.5 g 
Spinach, canned/frozen½ c 2.5/3.5 g 
Squash, all varieties ½ c 3 g 
Strawberries ½ c 2 g 
Tangerine 1 fruit 1.5 g 
Tomatoes, raw 1 medium 1.5 g 
Wheat germ2 Tbsp2 g 

Low Fiber (<1 g per serving) 

Food Serving Amount (g) fiber per serving 
Bread, white 1 slice <1 g 
Lettuce, leaf 1 c <1 g 
Peanut Butter 1 Tbsp<1 g 
Rice, white ½ c <1 g 
Spinach, raw 1 c <1 g 
Waffle or pancake, 4’’, made with white flour <1 g 

Remember, fiber is only found in plant foods. Food items such as meat, fish, eggs, poultry, dairy, fats & oils do not contain fiber.